Wednesday, February 7, 2018

What I did on my summer (or in this case winter) vacation

It's been a very long time since I've shared what I've been to. My husband and I had a period of months where we traveled a great deal. It was delightful in countless ways, but it did throw off my rhythm in the studio.

I decided to grab an hour here and one there while traveling to record glimpses in gouache on paper. I mixed a light value, a medium one and a dark and made sure they didn't particularly relate to what I was looking at. I wanted to take a vacation from the precision that I had developed in my oil paintings.

I found I especially enjoyed head studies done in this fashion.

Again using little bits of time I painted small and fast in my studio and created a number of cards that  for the most part have flown out into the world that look something like these below.

I'm happy to say that I've established a schedule that allows for more focused painting time once again, yea! I'll begin posting more formal paintings again soon!

Great to chat once again, I've missed you!

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